First Winter in Kosovë


Dimri i parë në Kosovë dhe qielli është i kthjellët. Në Angli sapo të hysh në dimër e gjithë bota duket e zymtë. Këtu qielli është i qiltërt, zemra ime e njejtë. Pamë planetet në këtë qiell të hapur, yje që shkēlqejnë gjithmonē. Reksi ulërin, ne qeshim, qajmë, këndojmē dhe vallëzojmë. Vera gjithmonē vjen shpejt më në fund.

First Winter in Kosove and the Sky’s clear. In England once winter falls the whole world seems grey. Here the sky is open, my heart the same. We saw the planets in this open sky, stars that shine orange nonstop . Reksi howls, we laugh, we cry, we sing, we dance. Summer always comes quickly in the end.

published 05.03.'23

Walk Me Back, 23.02.23


Walk me back to that spot,
Do you remember
The shady bench under the trees,
That night when it was just you and me
And I could have sworn it was sometime around 3
But time flew by at that shady bench
I think we stayed until half past 6
I had to go, but not too quick
So I stretched it to 7
Walk me back to the suns glaze over those nights
The ones where we could play fight in grass
And not care about the staines of green on grey jeans,
To the days we walked and walked just around,
And just talked about when we leave this town
Walk me back with my hand in yours,
To that shady bench we loved before.

published 24.02.'23